Thursday, 30 December 2010

Gaga's album got highest sale in 2010

Lady’s Gaga present’s album got the biggest sale in 2010. Gaga’s announced by posting on Twitter about her upcoming album This Way' at midnight on New Year's. According to NME report, 'The Fame Monster,' an extensive version of her 2008 debut 'The Fame', has got six million sales globally over the last year. Overall 2010 was the happiest and the successful year for Gaga. In short, The year 2010 was in the favour of Gaga and we can say that 2010 is the Gaga’s year.

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Lady Gaga could not get top tour of 2010

Gaga even was on top in the headlines of music industry but Bon Jovi presented Gaga love a bad name on road in 2010 after it was declared that Bon Jovi had the good and top tour of 2010. Famous bands like AC/DC, U2, Gaga

Even fail to get the top tour position of 2010 inspite they have been on headlines in 2010. Bon Jovi at number one with $201.1 million, AC/DC in second place with $177 million, U2 in third with $160.9 million, and Lady Gaga in fourth after her Monster Ball Tour earned $133.6 million.

Monday, 27 December 2010

John Lennon would Love Facebook, Twitter and Gaga

According to one Yoko Ono;s interview with Daily Mail

John Lenon would be a hufge fan of Gaga, Twitter, Facebook and other social media if he was alive today.

"He'd be sending out pronouncements and messages and giving his opinion all the time on everything," she said. "He would be 70 years old, but he’d want to know everything that's going on."

In the informative interview, Ono also criticized rumours that she had choppy the Beatles, her relationship with Paul McCarthy and obviously, Lady Gaga's bottom.

Ono, who was often blamed by Beatles fans for the band's fragments, said there was no way she could have broken up the band.

Friday, 24 December 2010

Ozzy said Gaga could be the next Madonna

Ozzy Osbourne in an recent interview with US Magazine critizing Gaga, saying that he think the singer has to tone it down a bit.

According to Ozzy
"I do think Lady Gaga should take a break for a little while,"

She is also advising Gaga by comparing with Madonna by saying these words

"She's getting to be too much, and she doesn't watch the exposure of her clothes. She's just too overexposed. She could be the next Madonna if she played her cards right."

He added: "I like her, but I'm getting a bit sick of her."

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Lada is now on top of the "Top 20 celebs Gone Good”

Lady Gaga is now considering among those starts that gave highest charity work. She got the number one position on a new list of the “Top 20 celebs Gone Good” in 2010. Alicia Keys was the runner-up who fought against HIV and AID by giving charity. The list is issued by,

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Gaga security problem at O2

At O2 Arena concert on last Thursday Gaga was allegedly was left "shaken" and "freaked out" when one strange female stalker managed to violate security. After that police called when the stalker was in the direction of the artist’s dressing room after did all efforts to gain access. The stalker was identified by Gaga’s security members who then contacted the police after that incident. Officers asked questions with women on the place before finally letting her go.

Monday, 20 December 2010

Queen Gaga Paris Images

Lady Gaga postponed her Paris show

Gaga is not happy after the pop star's Paris show was cancelled Sunday because of a severe snowfall that crippled the city and had her stuck on her bus, she took to Twitter to make an apology to her "little monsters" and vent her anger.

She said

"I love Paris + I love my French fans. I'm sorry little monsters. A photo of storm, I'm stuck on bus," she wrote, with a Twitpic of her rainy bus window.

The concert has now been rescheduled for Tuesday night. Gaga will present something special as promised by her.

Saturday, 18 December 2010

Gaga at O2 Arena on 16th-17th Dec, 2010

Gaga performed at London’s most famous venue O2 Arena on 16th December with her sensational performance in front of her fans and she did not gave any sort of disappointment to her fans. She came with different variety of interesting dresses that we can generally expect from Gaga. One of the surprise dress was the plastic rubber dress with high heels but we are still not sure that how she can survive with a long heel. She was so eager about the London performance.

Gaga got 'Women of the Year' Award

When GaGa was leaving her hotel today on December 17 in British capital London playing two shows at the O2 arena, in the meantime Gaga and famous singer Kanye West have been granted MTV News’ Woman and Man of the Year.

The 24-year-old singer was selected as MTV News’ Woman of the Year not only because of her large chart achievement but also her work for social issues. This is the second year in a row Gaga has got up the award.

Gaga supported New York band Semi Precious Weapons

Gaga gave a suddenly came in London on 15th December, 2010 and join Semi Precious Weapons on stage at O2 Academy Islington 2.

The fans were too much happy and danced on stage when the artist played drums. We have already seen that New York band Semi Precious Weapons have supported Lady Gaga at various arena shows over the past year

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Top BillBoard's Artist Lady Gaga

Billboard magazine’s named Lady Gaga the Artist of the Year making her only the seventh women to take home the honor since the magazine began issuing it in 1981.

To take home Artist of the Year,Lady Gaga was against competition with Taylor Swift, Lady Antebellum but she beaten them up and win the honors.

A week ago Lady Gaga also picked up an impressive 6 Grammy nominations, and after hearing of the Billboard award, Gaga thanked her supporters on Twitter, writing "Monsters have 6 Grammy nominations and Billboard award [for] 'Artist of the Year.’ Thank you for fighting for artistic freedom and self-invention.”

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Lady Gaga is coming to her big show to London

Gaga is going to return O2 Arena in December from his European tour to present too big concerts. Lady Gaga is going to show her acts at the London venue on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th December, and tickets are still available on

The Schedule of this two shows are as under:-

O2 Arena Tickets
Lady Gaga Tickets - Thursday, December 16, 2010
Lady Gaga Tickets - Friday, December 17, 2010

Gaga will release the first single of her new album soon

Gaga has declared about the first single from her upcoming album ‘Born This Way’. The complete track will be come into the public from Feb 2011.

The singer said: "I miss you guys so much Thank you for all of your support and I cannot wait to play you 'Born This Way'. It is killing me."

Lady Gaga recently claimed that 'Born This Way' - the follow-up to 'The Fame Monster'- will be the “greatest album of this decade”.

The singer is presently on her newest European leg of her Monster Ball tour, which is due to call in London next month.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Lady Gaga's new album 'Born This Way'

Lady Gaga gave a new surprise for the announcement of her new album at a concert in Poland on Friday that her upcoming album, Born This Way, is going to be “the greatest album of this decade.” “I don’t know what to say,” she said though tears, as the audience cheered. “Thank you so much. I don’t know what I would do without all of you. You are the most… I just promise that, I don’t even know. I promise you I’ll never let you down. And not for nothing, the album’s finished, and it’s f—ing really good,” she said, smiling. “So whatever this is, whatever you just did, for all of us, I promise to give you the greatest album of this decade, just for you.”

These are the legend words from Lada Gaga who got fame success too early.

Friday, 26 November 2010

Lady Gaga invests in a restaurant

It has been unveiled that Lady Gaga as the singer recently invested in an Italian restaurant on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, Vince & Eddie’s, that’s a favourite of her and her family, according to Page Six.

“When she’s in town, she likes to come here with her friends, because it’s very homey and private,” Gaga’s mother tells W magazine. It’s unclear what involvement, if any, the singer will have with the running of the restaurant.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Gaga is going to buy Yester house

Gaga is now interested to go for a big place. A tipster has alerted The Real Estalker that Gaga has signed contracts to buy Scotland's famed Yester House, located some 20 miles from Edinburgh. While there has been no record of any official sale yet, here's the scoop: the 18th-century estate was most just listed for some $12.9M (for 285 of 600 acres) and features 34,585 square feet of interior space, 60-plus rooms, 35-plus fireplaces, three kitchens, a 1,300-square-foot ballroom, and a gun room. Yester House was described in the December 2008 issue of Architectural Digest as such: "One of the charms of Yester is the variety of decoration in the rooms, achieved without sacrificing the harmony of the whole." exaggeration Gaga would be proud of.

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Gaga came into view in the next Muppet movie

We don’t know whether is it a rumoured or is it true but Idolator reports that Lady Gaga may become visible in the next Muppet movie, alongside Kermit and the gang.

The new Muppet movie is being written by Forgetting Sarah Marshall’s Jason Segel, who will also star in the movie. Segel has said that Miss. Piggy will end up living in Europe as a “Lady Gaga-esque” character, so an appearance by the singer makes sense.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Lady Gaga could be the most richest lady

Lady Gaga has proved by herself from her music and style but now she is going to be riched rapidly and she will become of the richest female artist in the world. The singer has enjoyed a big raise in fame since her album came on the chart in top positions.

Gaga is fourth in Forbes magazine's 2010 list of the richest women in Hollywood, raking in $64 million over the last 12 months.

Beyonce and Britney Spears, who have pulled in $89 million and $65 million respectively in 2010.

Following Gaga in fifth place is her idol Madonna, who has made an impressive $59.9 million, while Sandra Bullock has her Oscar win to thank for helping her earn $59.2 million.

Lady Gaga - Bad Romance
Uploaded by DjMuSty. - Explore more music videos.

Monday, 8 November 2010

Alex Stebbins Fighting Lady Gaga For Her Boyfriend

Famous Actress Stebbins maintains that she was forsaken by former boyfriend Luc Carl because he wanted to go back to his former love, Stephanie Germanotta, also called as Lady Gaga.

The actress who came on Law & Order: SVU, called Lady Gaga the 'most influential woman in the world' and says she and Carl had been jointed for at least a year before Gaga came calling again.

Stebbins says "Carl told her he had a very famous ex-girlfriend when they started dating, and then about three months into their relationship, Gaga started to text and call Carl once more. Carl apparently ignored her as according to Stebbins, he said his former girlfriend was a very jealous person. "

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Lady Gaga celebrate Halloween in different way

Different People celebrate Halloween with different style but when it goes towards singer Lady Gaga you could be expected from here. The `Poker face' hit maker started off the Halloween festivities by biting the head off a Barbie doll. The singer was performing at her show in Belfast, Northern Ireland on Saturday October 30 when she flagged off Halloween by biting the head off a Barbie doll.

The singer is well known for her strange on stage and off-stage behaviour that keeps her in the breaking news throughout the year. Lady Gaga courted a lot of argument recently for wearing a beef costume. Her outlandish behavior went up to new heights this year as she bit off the head from a Barbie doll on stage at Belfast.

Gaga is in the habit of getting awards

The actress, who looked different in the event, unbelievable dressed as a giant ham in respect to the notorious "meat dress" worn by Gaga at the MTV Video Music Awards in September.

Longoria, who was wearing one of 13 planned clothes

Gaga was nominated for five gongs and won three awards for Best Pop, Best Female and Best Song, for her hit Bad Romance.

She was not able to join the awards in Madrid but broken up her concert in Budapest to say: "I hate that I'm not there, but I'm working so hard", before breaking into a snatch of song.

Friday, 5 November 2010

Lot Thing could be learn from Gaga' Life

Lady Gaga leaves Abbey Road studios late in the night to head back to her hotel on Wednesday night (November 3) in London, England.

Gaga came to hotel after left Abbey Road Studios in London England Wednesday night. She

The singer Gaga required a small hand down the stairs due to her big black stage boots. It seems that there are many things to learn from the life of Gaga at least in a sociology concept. That’s why, one of the inspired professor the University of South Carolina will be offering a new course this upcoming semester called “Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame” according to TIME.

Monday, 1 November 2010

University of SouthCaroline inspired by Gaga

Uninversity of South Caroline has introduced one course on the name of Lady Gaga. The course titled is titled "Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame". According to the institution this course is not a waste of money and time because it will make the sector of Lady Gaga in sociological perspective.

According to University Professor, what you can learn and find in this Lady Gagacourse?
The answer is "unravel some of the sociologically relevant dimensions of the fame Lady Gaga," according to course description.

Teacher with diva passion

Professor Mathieu Deflem in university of south carolina at columbia who is one of
the biggest fan of pop diva travelled different countries to watch more than 28 of her live shows and maintaining collection of more than 300 of her records on vinyl and CD with devoted website to the pop star.
Professor is so obsessed about lady Gaga that he invites her into a course titled "Lady Gaga and the Socilogy of Fame"
which consist sociology of law and Policing International Terrorism as she has become one of the biggest celebrities right now so professor seemed to channel his love via his knowledge which sounds wierd to remind lady Gaga about 48 year old professor who already met her 5 times!
He is hopefull that she will visit his class soon as his devotion may turn his luck on.Good Luck

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Gaga is going to work with Elton John

On the soundtrack for a forthcoming Disney movie Gaga is going to do one new song with Famous Pop singer Elton John. The track is called Hello, Hello, and will feature in animated film Gnomeo & Juliet.

According to Entertainment Weekly, Hello, Hello will be heard in a scene where the two lawn ornaments meet for the first time.

This is not the only time the duo have worked together as we know that both Elton and GaGa came together on stage earlier this year at the 52nd Annual Grammys in January

Lady was happy to take pint in London

Lady Gaga fans were surprised to see her fine and to see her busy in giving autographs to her fans instead of being involved into a puddle of blood, tears and vomit. Alas, situation was different she was only took a pint of wine. People want to see her naked and they could confirmed that she has really a penis. In other news, butchers around the world have been warning the public that trying to recreate her meat-suit as a Hallowe'en costume could prove tricky. One in New Jersey said:

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Lady Gaga at London Southbank

On Saturday, Lady Gaga dressed up with black lacy frock with sky-high platform heels at Southbank greeted her many fans. She had an interview session with Anderson Cooper.

The sighting comes just after it has been confirmed that on the soundtrack to the forthcoming animated Disney film "Gnomeo & Juliet." Lady Gaga has paired up with Sir Elton John for a duet called "Hello, Hello"

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Lada Gaga Paris shows have postponed

Due to the Strike call in paris, Gaga was compelled to postponed her two shows in paris and she really regret to her fans for this trouble. The concert dates was 22nd and 23rd but now it will be replaced with the December 19th and December 20th.

Fans should not worry about their purchased tickets because tickets could be rescheduled shows must exchange their tickets or claim for refund through November 14 at their point of purchase. Tickets dated October 22 and 23 will not be valid at the new dates.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Willow would like to work with Gaga

Willow Smith has already got big plans for her music career, starting with a Gaga cooperation at just at the age of nine.

Willow said:

"[Somebody] I would really want to work with on a song would be Lady Gaga. She is amazing! She's just so amazing, she's a free person. She's a free girl, baby."

Gaga does not only make happier for adults but her personality attracts children as well.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Lady Gaga got 1st rank in Most Played Artist Nomination

Lady Gaga has been awarded the queen of UK radio after she was selected the most played artist over the last 12 months.

Airplay monitoring body Nielsen Music released a news that she is the only performer who has most featured on radio with 275,000 plays.

Last year The Radio Award has been taken by Take That but this time for Lady Gaga. This award has been declared on Tuesday night at the annual Radio Festival in Salford Quays, Manchester, during the PRS for Music Hall of Fame Dinner.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Lulu also inspired by Lady Gaga

Lulu said with a great tribute to Lady Gaga and insisting she's only triumphant because of the crazy image she's created.

The 61-year-old Shout singer did however, admit she's a fan of the Alejandro star's music. "She has a great voice and is a luminous songwriter,"Lulu explains to the new issue of Hello magazine.

"I love her music and her image. But I don't think anyone would have paid her any attention if it weren't for her outrageous image.

"That's how far performers have to go these days," she continued to say. "Every minute she must be thinking about her next statement. She's very clever because there's a stream of people desperate to be famous."

Friday, 15 October 2010

Gaga honored lovely song to her grandfather

A loving Lady GaGa gave tributed to her late grandfather in last week stage performance.

Her grandfather name is Joseph 'Giuseppe' Germanotta. He passed away last month on September 22, two days after the Poker Face star had visited him at his nursing home.

On 13th of October Wednesday night, GaGa showed her fans in Helsinki, Finland and gave a big tribute to Joseph as she sang the ballad Speechless.

Gaga said:-
"My dad made me promise that tonight I would dedicate this song to my sweet, sweet grandpa who is in heaven,"

GaGa more added: "This is for my good, sweet grandpa and to any loved ones you may have lost. This song's called Speechless."

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Rihanna comments on Gaga’s Style

Lady Gaga is measured as a fashion and fashioners the most original, outspoken and interesting singer, amazing personality to come out in years, fashion-wise. In her interview for Billboard, Rihanna admit she’s not really that impressed by all that.

Rihanna says:-

“A lot of people dress like Lady Gaga now. I’ve just stepped off into a whole new look and style,”

This comment came after an interview in which she called her friend Katy Perry’s music “generic pop,” with the implication that hers wasn’t so.

Lady Gaga does not brother what other person saying, She will always do what she like and what her heart says.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Eminem beat Lady Gaga and Bieber

Eminem has been selected for five prizes, as well as Best Album for his 2010 LP, 'Recovery'.

Eminem is now almost going with Bieber, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and Kei$ha for the Artist Of The Year award.

Bieber has a total of four nominations, while Lady Gaga has two. B.o.B, Ke$ha, and Perry are all shortlised for three awards.

So, Bieber is going best among all four artists.

Rihanna, Alicia Keys and Sade are all selected for Best R&B Female, while Chris Brown has been shortlised for the male equivalent.

Nominations are determined by a combination of radio airplay, social network activity and online popularity.

The winners, which are voted for by the public, are due to be declared next month.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Lady gaga is getting now famous in the world

Forbes magazine has named popstar Lady Gaga as one of the most powerful women in the world.The Alejandro star was named seventh on the magazine's World's 100 Most Powerful Women list.Lady Gaga, who recently sparked controversy by wearing a dress made of meat to an awards ceremony, is rated above the likes of Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the United States House of representatives, and former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin.While US first lady Michelle Obama topped the list, a range of media personalities made into the top 100.Talk show host Oprah Winfrey was ranked third, while American Idol judge Ellen DeGeneres came in tenth."When we set out to identify this year's list, we decided it was time to look up and out into the broader culture," explained the magazine."Our assessment is based less on traditional titles and roles and more on creative influence and entrepreneurship."Lady Gaga will be coming to the UK later this month, playing a series of gigs in Belfast and London from October 30th.Posted by Claire Charpentier

Friday, 1 October 2010

Lady Gga Likes meat, hair and we don't know what next

This is really a fact that What Gaga likes because she is generally dressed up what that she likes. As we know Gaga is now creating an history in the world pop singing.

The Pokerface singer, 24, played an unplanned short set of her hits while on a night out at the Oak Room bar at the Plaza Hotel in New York.

Only a handful of her fans saw her latest strange get-up, including fishnets, since the gig had been announced just minutes before on Twitter.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Video of the year is Lady Gaga's Bad Romance

Yup this is true that 2010 Video of the Year is Lady Gaga’s song “Bad Romanc”. This year she also got 13 nominations from MTV’s Music Awards.
As we know Francis Lawrence is the director this song

Last year, Lady Gaga got the Best New Artist category and after selling more than 15 million albums and 51 million singles globally, she beat out a big line up of artists for this year’s Video of the Year including B.o.B’s “Nothin’ on You,” Eminem’s “Not Afraid,” 30 Seconds to Mars’ “Kings and Queens,” Florence and the Machine’s “Dog Days Are Over” and one of Gaga’s own videos “Telephone” (the collabo she did with Beyoncé).

Lady Gaga promised to her fans and she fulfilled her promise.

“I promised that if I won this, I would announce the name of my new album,” Gaga said. “It’s called Born This Way.”

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Lady Gaga's meat dress link to the Beatles

Lady Gaga’s controversial choice to wear a costume apparently constructed of meat at the MTV Video Music Awards is not the first time that such images have been used to promote musicians.

As long ago as 1966, the Beatles released the album Yesterday and Today which was first printed with a controversial cover featuring the band dressed as butchers and draped in joints of meat and decapitated baby dolls.

The image, although apparently not originally intended as an album cover, was said to reflect the group’s feelings on the Vietnam War.

Advance copies created such a backlash that the record label’s management ordered the “meat” versions destroyed, however, many survived and are now collectors’ items.

In 1983, the punk group the Undertones released a singles compilation titled All Wrapped Up with a female model covered in meat – chiefly rashers of fatty bacon held to her with what looks like Clingfilm.

A few years later, in 1988, the rock group B.A.L.L., fronted by US musician Don Fleming, released a pastiche of the short-lived Beatles cover with their album Bird.

However, the use of meat to promote music has remained controversial.

Ingrid Newkirk, the president of animal rights campaign group PETA, said: “Lady Gaga’s job is to do outlandish things, and this certainly qualifies as outlandish because meat is something you want to avoid putting on or in your body.

“No matter how beautifully it is presented, flesh from a tortured animal is flesh from a tortured animal.”

A spokeswoman for the Vegetarian Society said: “It just seems totally unnecessary.

“Enough animals die for food and they should not be killed for stunts like this.”

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Lady Gaga new song Living On the Radio

Lady Gaga lampshade wearing display a new song about the travails of being a global pop phenomenon Of the few things.
Over the past year she has been stand on the road a fair act.
Lady Gaga's songs can be heard on the radio, she loves to our being famous. So it's no surprise that her songwriting attention to these three things.
Lady Gaga sang on stage in Minnesota, "It's my dream this song Living on the radio", before describing a life of "caviar, champagne and sold out concerts". Cryptic stuff, right? Live, the song proved to be a melancholy piano ballad, but we're willing to bet our last pair of Alexander McQueen 10-inch heels that Living On the Radio will come with a banging, Euro pop backing track by the time it's released.

Sunday, 22 August 2010

Queen of Twitter Lady GaGa

Lady GaGa faithful Twitter followers she rejoicing and giving thanks, Lady GaGa showed her love for all of those responsible for making her the top user on the popular social networking site.
Gaga told, "This is Lady Gaga, queen of Twitter. I wanted to thank all of my beautiful little monsters for following me. Thank you for beginning my reign as Twitter queen. May you always have soft cuticles while tweeting. May you never have carpal tunnel. ... I vow to always tweet and tweet again."

The beauty queen looking ever, Gaga toted a wand in her hand as she added, "Just remember that I love you and love yourself. I love you Twitter."

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Eyeing movie career to Lady Gaga

Pop star Lady Gaga is now reportedly eyeing an acting career by starring in her own film.

The singer 24 year old is hoping that the project will be a mix between Moonwalker and Dreamgirls and is already in talks with 'X-Men' director Bryan Singer to make the movie.

A source said, "All the time Gaga is a actual creative genius and is thinking about new possibilities. About a movie she's very excited, but she wants to do it right. She wants to work in the business with the best people".

The source added, "Gaga wants to emulate what Michael Jackson did during the '80s. You can already look with her music videos. Every one of them is a mini event. So it's only logical she moves that on to the big screen. Gaga likes to be in control. She is behind everything on her own movie. It could take a long time".

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Lady Gaga Crowd-Surfs at Lollapalooza

Lady Gaga never disappoints when it comes to shocking the media or her fans. She did just that Friday at this year's Lollapalooza in Chicago when she crowd-surfed not once, but twice during the performance of the band Semi Precious Weapons.

Lady Gaga was barely clothed wearing a fishnet ensemble with gold star pasties.Gaga's bodyguard was not amazed as he tried to fish her out of the hands and arms of the screaming fans trying to touch her and take video and pictures.

Gaga's not the only performer who has taken the plunge to crowd-surf into a sea of adoring fans. She has close connections with this next pop diva.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Lady Gaga: Bares it all for Vanity Fair magazine

Lady Gaga has bared all for the cover of Vanity Fair magazine.
Gaga, 24, actuall name Stefani Germanotta, stripped for the magazine’s September issue, which is due to hit stands soon. The singer has also revealed in the magazine that the one reason she is able to maintain her creative mojo is because she avoids sex.“I have this weird thing that if I sleep with someone, they’re going to take my creativity from me through my vagina,” the New York Post quoted her as saying.

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Lady Gaga: Immigration Law During Arizona Concert

Prior to Lady Gaga’s concert in Arizona on Saturday night, various rappers and rock stars asked the pop singer to cancel her performance and boycott the state due to the existence of Arizona Senate Bill 1070. While she respectfully chose not to comply with their requests, she capitalized on the chance to urge fans to protest the controversial immigration law.
Lady Gaga said to the crowd of over 14,000, “We have to be active, we have to actively protest,” according to MTV. “I will not cancel my show. I will hold you, and we will hold each other, and we will protest this state.” The eccentric recording artist addressed SB 1070 on her Twitter page prior to the concert and the slogan “Stop SB 1070” was written on her forearm during her show.
Gaga tweeted before the concert, “Tonight we will continue to actively protest social and political injustices in Arizona. We will sing, we will stand up, + we will be heard.” Earlier this month, she rallied her fans against anti gay protesters by preaching love and unity and she chose to address another hot button political issue by turning her attention towards SB 1070.
A performance of “You and I” before dedicating to a young Arizona boy who had been affected by the law’s existence, to the fans in attendance she told his legend. “I met a boy today who is suffering ... He told me his house was raided because of a parking ticket or something. They took his brother, and now he is in Mexico,” Gaga revealed.
She continued by saying, “It’s actually disgusting. I think it’s important that people understand that it’s a state of emergency for this place and this state.”

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Become New Face of Tea Brand Lady Gaga in talk

A top tea taster Lady GaGa could become if bosses at Twinings get their way. British tabloid reports suggest executives at the posh beverage company are brewing up a deal with the "Poker Face" singer over a new line of GaGa teas.GaGa, who is a very vocal tea drinker, has been targeted as a Twinings brand ambassador, according to The Sun newspaper, which reports her management has received offers from all the major tea brands in current weeks in a bid to sign her. A source tells the publication, "They want to launch a new tea with her face on it and discussions are taking place at the top level."While working on her next studio installment, Lady GaGa is recently hitting the road for Monster Ball tour.

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Lady Gaga settle into Madonna's country lifestyle

Lady Gaga is house hunting in the Hamptons, says the N.Y. Daily News.
I find this oddly disturbing. Buying a place in the Hamptons is about the most boringly haute bourgeois thing a newly rich person can do. Shouldn't Lady Gaga prefer, you know, living over a sweatshop in Hong Kong, or in a Fortress of Solitude in the High Arctic, or in Tehran? Someplace as preposterous as her costumes?
The Hamptons! Next she'll be having kids and gardening! Not that there's anything wrong with that, I guess, but does she realize how she has just punctured her own image balloon?
Also, Madonna has a house in the Hamptons, so the Gagster will be accused of copycatting Madge yet again.
Still, it does sound like a nice house, the one she's been looking at in Sagaponack: $26 million U.S. worth of newly built "English country style" with eight bedrooms, eight baths, a "recreational pavilion," a wine room, a media room, sauna, pool, sunken tennis court, and a "restored 18th century barn."
Pink, the singer, is "seriously sore" but otherwise OK after an accident onstage in Nurnberg, Germany the other night.
Something went wrong when a harness was supposed to lift her up over the crowd, and instead it dragged her into a steel barricade.
Ever the trouper, she Tweeted from the ambulance:
"To all my nurnberg fans -- I am so-so so sorry to end the show that way. I am embarrassed and very sorry. I'm in ambulance now but I will b fine.
"didn't get clipped in2 harness correctly, drug me offstage, fell in2 barricade. Getting xrays. I hope it at least looked cool!!!"
Later she updated: "OK all my lovers out there nothings broken, no fluid in the lungs, just seriously sore. "
You fool, you've missed your chance to buy Roy Rogers's horse!
Remember my item about Trigger, stuffed, going up for auction? Well, now it's happened, and the winning bidder is Nebraska TV executive Steve Campione. For about $300,000 U.S. he snapped up Trigger and the TV cowboy's late stuffed dog Bullet as well.
I was having a nice little fantasy about Steve getting home and breaking the news to his wife, but it turns out these priceless cultural artifacts are not for his living room. His company wants to start a Roy Rogers museum.
Lifestyles of the rich and stoned: Nick Cage, told David Letterman the other night about the time long ago when his cat got into the fridge where the actor's "magic" mushrooms were stored: " ... The cat ate them voraciously, so I thought what the heck, I better do it with him. I remember lying on my bed for hours and Lewis was on the desk across my bed and we just stared at each other for hours not moving, just staring at each other, and I had no doubt that he was my brother."
He says he's now been drug free for years.

Friday, 16 July 2010

Lady Gaga Wants $26M Home

Lady Gaga eccentric singer is reportedly keen to buy a $26 million eight bedroom New York home.
Lady Gaga is planning to buy a $26 million home.
The 'Alejandro' singer has reportedly taken an interest in a 7.5 acre eight bathroom English Country style estate in the Hamptons area of New York, close to a property owned by her idol Madonna.
According to the New York Times newspaper, the property, which was built this year also boasts a restored 18th century barn alongside the 9,353 square foot, shingle style main residence, a carriage house and a recreational pavilion.
The house boasts extensive recreational facilities, including a sauna, pool, gym and sunken tennis court, as well as lavish media and wine rooms.
A spokesperson for the singer dismissed the claims, while the actual estate broker for the property refused to comment.
In February, Madonna splashed out on a farm and the agricultural rights to 24 acres of land surrounding the property, which is very close to the property Gaga has been looking at.
As well as the New York estate, it was revealed earlier this week that the 'Poker Face' hitmaker is splashing out $25,000 a month to rent a house.
The 'Paparazzi' singer is renting a $5 million mansion in the affluent Bel Air neighbourhood of Los Angeles.
According to reports, the multi bedroom property comes with one acre of grounds, a huge swimming pool and boasts stunning views across Hollywood and the Pacific Ocean.
But with Gaga who currently rekindled her relationship with ex boyfriend Luc Carl on tour until April 2011, the house will be sitting empty for some time.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Fans attack for Lady Gaga Plays John Lennon’s Piano

May be Lady Gaga should rethink calling fans little monsters her haters are taking the title a little too seriously. Gaga has stirred up some trouble on Twitter once again as fans attack her for playing John Lennon’s piano.
John’s son Sean Lennon posted a picture (via MTV News) of Lady Gaga on his Twitter playing the white piano with the caption, “With gaga at mom’s house, she’s belting on the white piano.”
The pic was quickly taken down when fans started to complain that Lady Gaga shouldn’t have been allowed to touch the piano, but Sean Tweeted back his reasoning.
“Pianos are meant to be played,” he Tweeted. “Why is everyone so uptight? What should we do, lock it away in a dusty room? So judgmental.”
“Firstly, he gave that piano to my mother for her birthday, it is hers, secondly, he was not uptight the way you seem to be,” Sean Tweeted back to a fan.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

For Lady Gaga Grammy rules change

Lady Gaga continues her global takeover with the news that her exclusion from the Best New Artist Category in last year’s Grammy’s based on a technicality is now rendered invalid, since the Recording Academy has changed its rules in response, RTT News reports. As of last year, anyone already nominated in another Grammy category (Gaga’s first single “Just Dance” was nominated for Best Dance Recording in 2008) was disqualified from the Best New Artist category. Now, only artists who have already won a Grammy or released mutiple albums are exempt from the category, with a spokesperson for the Academy explaining, “More and more, the first release of a new artist is as a featured artist on someone else’s album, or the new artist may release a single long before the release of the first album.”